Tennessee Williams' Something Cloudy, Something Clear

Event Details

Tennessee Williams' Something Cloudy, Something Clear

Time: February 9, 2014 from 6pm to 7:45pm
Location: The Invisible Dog Art Center
Street: 51 Bergen Street
City/Town: Brooklyn
Website or Map: http://theinvisibledog.org/so…
Phone: 401-639-1633
Event Type: performance, (work-in-progress)
Organized By: G.J. Dowding and Zoë Bennett
Latest Activity: Feb 5, 2014

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Event Description

Redemption is the goal in a fractured memory play looping onward for 40 years. With sensibility comes closure. Wind up the Victrola and let the story unfold!

G.J. Dowding and Zoë Bennett have created a fantasy world divided into two sections: the downstage world of text and human interaction and the juxtaposed upstage world filled with whimsical expression and beautifully crafted movement. The ethereal float amongst the upstage until these characters are called upon to pass through the equator into the downstage to live out their fate as projected through the eyes of our protagonist, August, vaguely disguised as Tennessee Williams' during the summer of 1940 where the artist was drafting up his play Battle of Angels under constant pressures for concession from finicky producers. It was here that August spent a summer with the infamous Kip Kiernan, guarded artfully by his amorous protector, Clare. 

Doom is the underlying theme in this memoir play in which the writer relays a desire for compassion and redemption. 

This production premieres at the beautiful gallery setting of the third floor at The Invsible Dog Art Center in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn on Sunday February 9 at 6pm, with a pre-show gallery setting where audience members are encouraged to move throughout the space where the actors are all posed. There will also be a post-show reception to follow. A $10 donation is suggested and reservations can be made by email to director/producer G.J. Dowding at gdowding9@gmail.com

Check out our official Facebook page for our production as we will also be performing in March at The Wild Project and Dixon Place.


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