This many (20)

Fellow & Publication Contributor
PROCESS // Exhibition Proposal: The Globe Shrinks for Those Who Own It

This is virtual show reenacted indefinitely but limited to 3 weeks chunks of time each piece.
This show is an open source software framework that has an open source API to allow interested parties to develop plugins or robots to integrate with gaming consoles and other apparatuses of choice.
When user installs that piece of software, their virtual reality gets altered with random interruptions of characters from different pieces of Fine Art history.

Added by Irena Romendik on February 15, 2017 at 6:25pm — No Comments

Friend of LEIMAY
PROCESS // Dance's Partner

I believe that music acts as a partner to dance. In The Grass is Always Greener… one finds an overlapping of layers so that dance, music, and the poetry of the lyrics intertwine to create the multifaceted and profoundly human characters you see on stage.  However, even without understanding the lyrics the audience can still connect to the rhythm and melody of the music. The musical accompaniment for The Grass… helps to create the dynamic characters and vivid scenes that…


Added by Anabella Lenzu on September 30, 2014 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Friend of LEIMAY
PROCESS // Movements Made Meaningful

While re-staging The Grass is Always Greener… during my fellowship at CAVE this year, I found myself fascinated again by use of quotidian gestures—the gestures that make up our daily lives and influence our interactions with the people around us.  Throughout The Grass… you will see gestures plucked from the ordinary events that help make life meaningful.  The dance is also filled with gestures that exist outside of particular events and have acquired meaningful…


Added by Anabella Lenzu on September 30, 2014 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Friend of LEIMAY
PROCESS // No Lights, No Music, No Stage

The Grass is Always Greener... is a vivid political piece dealing with immigration of past and present day. Throughout the full length show the audience is taken on a journey of interwoven tales through the eyes of immigrants coming to the US in search if freedom.  Through movement and text we catch a glimpse of the internal struggles they faced- the bitter sweet duality of saying farewell to the old world in hopes of something better across the ocean (or the border)-…

Added by Anabella Lenzu on September 30, 2014 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Fellow & Publication Contributor
PROCESS // Because I am 1,000 Grains of Sand

Image: Kat Brown, photographed by Kat Brown

Because I am 1,000 Grains of Sand -

December 8, 2015

Site Specific


Artist Statement

Because I am 1,000 Grains of Sand is a long duration movement piece that took place in the desert of Southern Utah. It is because of our bodily being that we experience ourselves as…


Added by Kat Brown on September 29, 2016 at 7:30am — No Comments

PROCESS // special request

Still of special request: CP by Rebecca Brooks …


Added by Rebecca Brooks on February 13, 2014 at 9:30am — No Comments

PROCESS // Massimiliano Balduzzi: Physical Training for Performers (Video #2)


VIDEO #2: "Second Sequence"


This is the second of six new video documents of Massimiliano Balduzzi's solo physical training for performers. These videos document a research in solo physical training developed by Massimiliano Balduzzi…


Added by Ben Spatz on June 30, 2013 at 10:00am — No Comments

PROCESS // Massimiliano Balduzzi: Physical Training for Performers (Video #1)

VIDEO #1: "First Sequence"

Over the next three months, I will be posting six video documents of Massimiliano Balduzzi's solo physical training for performers. These videos document a research in solo physical training…


Added by Ben Spatz on July 20, 2013 at 1:00pm — No Comments

PROCESS // Massimiliano Balduzzi: Physical Training for Performers (Video #5)


VIDEO #5: "Isolations/Impulses"


This is the fifth of six new video documents of Massimiliano Balduzzi's solo physical training for performers. These videos document a research in solo physical training developed by Massimiliano Balduzzi…


Added by Ben Spatz on August 11, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

PROCESS // Massimiliano Balduzzi: Physical Training for Performers (Video #3)


VIDEO #3: "Third Sequence"


This is the third of six new video documents of Massimiliano Balduzzi's solo physical training for performers. These videos document a research in solo physical training developed by Massimiliano Balduzzi over…


Added by Ben Spatz on July 14, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

PROCESS // Massimiliano Balduzzi: Physical Training for Performers (Video #4)


VIDEO #4: "Floor Work"


This is the fourth of six new video documents of Massimiliano Balduzzi's solo physical training for performers. These videos document a research in solo physical training developed by Massimiliano Balduzzi over…


Added by Ben Spatz on July 28, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

PROCESS // Ideas on Trained Dancers in Experimental Dance

photo by Janelle Jones 2012

I’ve been seeing a lot of emphasis in using untrained dancers for quite some time, and although I’m still very interested in others’ work that pursues that, in my work I’m primarily interested in…


Added by Adriane Lee on January 11, 2013 at 2:22pm — No Comments

Friend of LEIMAY
PROCESS // Meditations On A Grape


this series of articles will focus on our experience of the six viewpoints, frame by frame, as we experiment in rehearsals with material from mary overlie’s…


Added by Sophia Treanor on August 14, 2013 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Fellow & Publication Contributor
PROCESS // Polina in Fragments: Transcriptions from a master's comments in class and rehearsal

Polina Klimovitskaya, master teacher and theater director, has for years been beset by requests that she write about acting. Having started studying with her in January of 2004 and joined her Terra Incognita Theater in 2005, I have been the recipient of a rare kind of apprenticeship. Among my duties has been penning the majority of the…


Added by Polina/Terra Incognita Theater on April 20, 2014 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Fellow & Publication Contributor
PROCESS // The Haiku

photo: Timothy Scott, Sophia Treanor, Nicolas Noreña

The Space: a square some 6 feet by 8 feet, comfortable enough to fit two to four people, but tight enough to…


Added by Timothy Scott on May 7, 2017 at 11:08pm — No Comments

PROCESS + VIDEO // ‘Minimum Movement Catalog’ / 小川水素用語集 / DATABASE 2

This is a data base for movements in my choreography. I’ve been interested in the process of making choreography. I wanted to know how many movements I’ve created so far, and to classify these movements in categories to develop an ease and efficiency in developing my work. To exhibit my movements will also help me to know more objectively why I feel beauty in each one. To ensure this purpose, I am placing my fundamental movement ideas in this article by text and video. These fundamental…


Added by Maho Ogawa on January 15, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments

PROCESS // Massimiliano Balduzzi: Physical Training for Performers (Video #6)


VIDEO #6: "Open Work"


VIDEO #6: "Open Work" with audio commentary



Added by Ben Spatz on August 25, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

LEIMAY Ensemble & Guest Colaborators
PROCESS // Re-claiming Ejaculated Bodies at the Margins: Sensual Explorations of Historicized Spaces with Humor

 Having somewhat familiarity with Karen Finley's work, most recently to note, having seen her perform at the Pussy Riot defense team…


Added by angeli on December 3, 2013 at 8:00am — No Comments

PROCESS + VIDEO //Minimum Movement Catalog / 小川水素用語集 / DATABASE 1


This is a data base for movements in my choreography. I’ve been interested in the process of making choreography. I wanted to know how many movements I’ve created so far, and to classify these movements in categories to develop an ease and efficiency in developing my work. To exhibit my movements will also help me to know…


Added by Maho Ogawa on January 11, 2013 at 1:00pm — 4 Comments

Friend of LEIMAY
ESSAYS // On stillness and touch: biodynamic performance

Stillness: in biodynamic craniosacral therapy and improvisational performance

“Space and silence are two aspects of the same thing. The same no-thing. They are externalization of inner space and inner silence, which…


Added by Sophia Treanor on February 15, 2018 at 1:16am — No Comments

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