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  • Barcelona
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APATCHES's Friends

  • Marlon Barrios/dance-tech.net


Profile Information

Individual or Collective?
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About: Please tell us about your self. Some of our programs have benefits for art workers - please tell us if you are an artist and mention the most recent work/venue/space/residency where you have worked/developed your practice.
APATCHES is an artistic group made up by Raquel Labrador and Noemí Laviana, with the main interest in the expressive possibilities from the interconexión between visual and scenic arts. They create atmosfears where the narrative is not conclusive nor lineal but suggestive, atmosfears where the audience can get immersed into a surreal and unsettling imaginarium.

They have performed in different events such as Ciclo Live Cinema in Caixaforum curated by Mia Makela and the have received the First Prize in IV Mostra de Peces Curtes organized by Barcelona’s Council and Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona)
video artist, installation artist, director, new media artist, artist

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At 12:37pm on October 7, 2010, LEIMAY said…
Thank you for joining CAVE Nexus and Welcome!
To make most out of the this online tool we encourage you to:

- Add a profile and upload your images, videos and music.
- Post and find events and resources
- Contact members directly and engage in dialogue
- Stay in touch with CAVE's artistic community in real time
- Join or create a group
- Post to your facebook directly from CAVENexus
- Take advantage of the discounts and offers made to CAVE Nexus members.

If you have feed back for us and/or ideas in how to make CAVE Nexus a
better tool for you please let us know.

From all of us at CAVE, Shige Ximena and Denisa.
At 11:06am on August 13, 2010,
Team Member
Welcome Raquel and Noemí!
Hope you can upload some content to the nexus. Any ideas or feedback are welcome.
And please remember that anything your upload in the CAVEnexus can be shared with one click to your facebook account. So please take advantage of the event calendar, forum and other areas. Best, CAVE.

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