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It looks like there may be a move to apply to the NEA -- which is due May 8. For this and other opportunities, the Open Program needs our support -- and if we want them to come back, we should engage in this. We'll start talking soon about preparations for activities here this summer, but first:

Is anyone available and interested to help with the NEA application? Tara and Luis I'ma lookin' at you. 

There is possibly also a move to do an online, fundraising campaign. Do any of you have experience with Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Rockethub, Gofundme, etc? Do you have opinions on the benefits of these? 

Please reply here with your responses to these questions. Thanks!

Kickstarter, Indiegogo, etc are very similar. The main thing is that Kickstarter does not give you $ unless the goal is reached. We often use Indiegogo, but not real preference.



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