Seeking two individuals, one male and one female, to appear in a short experimental film entitled Late and Deep. The film is set in a room in a remote, unidentified northern landscape, in the depths of a prolonged night. The roles require the embodiment of existential states; the primary
states in question are isolation, craving, and submergence in fever.
In the crucial central composition of the film, the female is
required to undergo an episode of convulsion. Both male and
female are required to be naked throughout. 


This film is the second installment in a tetralogic cycle of works that explore the implications of a statement by Sadeq Hedayat: “In life it is possible to become angelic,
human, or animal. I have become none of these things.” To explore
this premise and the elusive states of being it implies,
training and experience in Butoh is desired.


Actors should be approximately between the ages of 25-35. Please send as many photos as possible and a written expression of interest. The shooting schedule
is yet to be determined, but is likely to happen in April or May of
next year for a two week period.


Devin Horan

Director, Late and Deep

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