Nana Chinara

Brooklyn, NY

United States

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About: Please tell us about your self. Some of our programs have benefits for art workers - please tell us if you are an artist and mention the most recent work/venue/space/residency where you have worked/developed your practice.
Nana Chinara creates. She’s Black, Queer, and a gleaming glitterbeam. She dreams up worlds in her body, and offers them to the stage. A healing artist, youth educator, and loquacious lover, her craft calls upon exploring sweet intimacy with the self through self-research and self-reflection. Her artistry is the lens through which she conducts self and community research on inner wisdom, violence against young black femmes, traumatic partnerships, and multidimensional love. Her first and foremost intention as an artist is to use her healing tools to exist inside of her body and at the realm of her ancestors, indulging in being witnessed.
Dance Lover, Performance Artist, Choreographer
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